Source code for yell.decorators

from yell import Notification, notify

class DecoratedNotification(Notification):
    func = None
    The function that has been decorated. 

    def notify(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.func(*args, **kwargs)

[docs]def notification(name=None, backends=None): """ Decorator to simplify creation of notification backends. :example: :: from yell.decorators import notification from yell import notify @notification('like') def like_email(user, obj): send_mail("%s liked %s" % (user, obj), "No/Text", "", []) @notification('like') def like_db(user, obj): DBNotification.objects.create(user = user, obj = obj, type = 'like') @notification('like') def like(*args, **kwargs): pass # Use all backends notify('like', user = user, obj = obj) like.notify(user = user, obj = obj) # Only use the email backend like_email.notify_once(user = user, obj = obj) """ def wrapper(func): def funcwrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Wrapping the notification function so it doesn't receive `self` """ return func(*args, **kwargs) NotificationCls = type('%sNotification' % name.lower().title(), (DecoratedNotification,), { 'func': funcwrapper, 'name': name }) def notify_all(*args, **kwargs): """ Sends this notification off to every backend with the configured name. """ return notify(name, *args, **kwargs) def notify_once(*args, **kwargs): """ Sends this notification off only to the current backend. """ return notify(name, backends=[NotificationCls], *args, **kwargs) func.notify = notify_all func.notify_once = notify_once return func return wrapper

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